Compassion - Bridging Practice and Science - page 503

Eve is a San Francisco native and holds a Masters of Social
Work from the University of California Berkeley. She has been a
crisis counselor in the ER at the SF General Hospital since 2006.
Eve is working on her Ph.D. in the School of Social Welfare and
currently a Fellow with the UC Berkeley Department of
Psychology Greater Good Center. For her fellowship Eve will be
conducting research with correctional officers in the Department
of Juvenile Probations to explore the relationship between
burnout and empathy. Developing a measurement for clinical
empathy among people working within interpersonally
challenging environments will guide her through her Ph.D.
Dissertation. Eve has been teaching the emotional skills
component of the Cultivating Emotional Balance Teacher Training
at Thanyapura Mind Centre in Phuket Thailand with
contemplative scholar Alan Wallace, based upon a training
Wallace and Eve's father Paul Ekman developed at a Mind & Life
meeting in the year 2000.
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