Compassion - Bridging Practice and Science - page 518

Paul was an undergraduate at the University of Chicago and New
York University. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at
Adelphi University (1958), after a one year internship at the
Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. Currently, he is the
Manager of the Paul Ekman Group, LLC (PEG), a small company
that produces training devices relevant to emotional skills, and is
initiating new research relevant to national security and law
Paul Ekman’s research on facial expression and body movement
began in 1954, as the subject of his Master’s thesis in 1955 and
his first publication in 1957. In his early work, his approach to
non-verbal behavior showed his training in personality. Over the
next decade, a social psychological and cross-cultural emphasis
characterized his work, with a growing interest in an evolutionary
and semiotic frame of reference. In addition to his basic research
on emotion and its expression, he has, for the last thirty years,
also been studying deceit. Articles reporting on Dr. Ekman’s work
have appeared in Time Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine,
Psychology Today, The New Yorker and others.
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